October 8, 2002 - Version 1.1.15 - Added documentation for stacking triggers with the '|' character April 29, 2002 - Version 1.1.14 - Changed 'mtrans room' to 'mtrans room char|obj|all' April 16, 2002 - Version 1.1.13 - Added the 'equipped()' if-test February 21, 2002 - Version 1.1.12 - Added the .race.num, .race.text, .class.num, .class.text variables for both 'char' and 'mob' targets November 13, 2001 - Version 1.1.11 - Added the 'mspell <spell #> arg' syntax July 22, 2001 - Version 1.1.10 - Added the 'mequip' command - Made 'mtrans' transport people's mounts as well as the person June 6, 2001 - Version 1.1.9 - Added the 'mskill' command to function for skills like mcast does for spells - Renamed the 'mcast' command to 'mspell' to mirror the new 'mskill' command May 7, 2001 - Version 1.1.8 - Added the %*.level% variable for 'char' and 'mob' March 24, 2001 - Version 1.1.7 - Fixed the PC Race table in the docs, it was previously wrong from Lich to the end of the list so fix your scripts accordingly. March 11, 2001 - Version 1.1.6 - Added the 'lastload' variable scheme for post-mload variable accesses - Added the 'mgive [skill|spell|exp]' command - Added the 'all' target to the mcast command - Added the 'gold' option to the mload command March 3, 2001 - Version 1.1.5 - Added 'mprog debug' command January 27, 2001 - Version 1.1.4 - Actually fixing the extra line problem - Added variables: - hp - maxhp - mana - maxmana - move - maxmove - Added commands: - mexit_add - mexit_remove - Converting the 'halt' command to 'return' to add some capability January 24, 2001 - Version 1.1.3 - Attempting cleanup to get rid of extra lines - Added triggers: - hour_change - day_change - month_change - year_change January 22, 2001 - Version 1.1.2 - Added the information about 'halt' to the helps - Added the information about 'break' to the helps January 18, 2001 - Version 1.1.2 - Added the mpause command (in under 2 days! *flex*) January 7, 2001 - Version 1.1.1 - Added the mwait command - Altered the syntax of the following to help standardize the targets: - mtrans - msetpos - mcast - mforce - Changed the 'all' target in mforce() to 'room' - Added the 'char' target to mpeace() - Added the 'room' target to msetpos() January 6, 2001 - Version 1.1.0 - Rewrite of many core systems to use the new dstring library - Mucho updates to the basic system: - Added local and global variables - Added ability to have comments beginning with '*' - Added the ability to have blank lines for better readability - Added the '\' line connector operator for multi-line commands - Added triggers: - receive_coin - receive_item - move - entry - text - Added if-checks: - num()/str() (variable related) - combat() - exit_exists(<direction>) - year() - month() - day() - hour() - holding(<vnum>) - Added commands: - global_var()/local_var() (variable related) - mpeace [mob|room] - Rewrote the mecho() command December 14, 2000 - Version 1.0.1 - Added the ability to specify multiple values separated with '|' in if-checks to check all the values instead of just one November 12, 2000 - Version 1.0.0 - This is the base version of the mobprog system. It contains: - Base set of commands - Base set of if-checks - Standard system for if/elseif/else/endif structures - Basic error protection to avoid crashes at all costs